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$ 197.00 USD
Your Access Includes:
  • The Find Your Ikigai Course
  • Member Forum
  • Bonus Webinars
  • App access. All of this works on your iPhone or Android.
Nick has a calm and clear approach and distils complex concepts into accessible and actionable insights.
- Sarah Ennett
Taking this course has been hugely helpful for me, I've learned so much. It is well structured with a logical flow from giving you a much deeper understanding of the concept through to practical steps you can weave into your life, to help you find yours.
Find you Ikigai' is a well thought-out and impactful course that will be of service to a wide range of audiences.
- Dr Dean Fido
The insights gleamed from this content are clear and actionable. You could passively sit back and listen to the various videos which accompany this course and be happy with your purchase, but the wealth of downloadable content and interactive materials means that many will be able to delve even deeper into their own experiences of ikigai both during and after the course.
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